Hello ICON Blockchain! Insight Data Science here to give a quick recap of the two weekly infrastructure calls that we host. If you want to listen to the calls directly, you can find them on youtube at this link for the Asian time zone call and this link for the US / European time zone call or just read this post for a summary.

The first Asian time zone call was mainly attended by 5 members of team iBriz where we discussed various uncertainties in networking architectures for DDoS protection and Citizen nodes. Rob talked about the importance of building more P-Rep maintained documentation (more on this later) and we drilled in to a couple areas where we need to build technical best practices from the community such as coordinated maintenance windows and disaster recovery. We discussed a collaboration between Insight and iBriz for buidling a cetralized log collection system along with some of the different options we have for deployment / configuration. Raju from iBriz is already working with Richard from Insight on a Kubernetes deployment that will also host the Prometheus monitoring system that Richard got working last week.

Tons of exciting ways Insight is looking to collaborate with other technical teams like iBriz through our fellow program that I just heard totalled just over 1000 fellows for 2019. We have three fellows working on ICON and looking forward to allocating more, votes permitting.

The second US / European time zone call was mostly a discussion with Shane from Pocket / Figment and Rob where they discussed different ways to collaborate on building a community documentation source and project management. Pocket / Figment is building a very nice looking site at p-rep.community that and is going to be collaborating with Insight on building out community based technical documentation. Rob also has built a Sphinx based technical docs with a CI pipeline though we believe this source to be mainly adept at rendering more technical API / in-line code documentation. We both agreed that the docs should reside on Github so that teams can both collaborate and own different areas of the docs and then they are pulled in dynamicly either at build or through links.

In order the start planning as a community better, a project management solution needs to be put in place to allow different teams to work more effectively together. We discussed a few project management options like JIRA and Notion. We need a solution that is customizable and feature rich like JIRA that doesn’t have a high learning curve like Notion so the whole communtiy can take part.

Lastly Emre from Piconbello and Rob discussed the use of GPG keys for all P-Reps and a few changes in the deployment strategy to improve security.

Thanks to all those that joined, especially those from teams iBriz, Pocket / Figment, Piconbello, and Everstake. Lets all get together next week to continue the conversation over our common infrastructure challenge.